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The AAVISHKAR Student Research Competition (Pune Zone) was successfully conducted on 21st December 2024 at Tarapore Hall, organized by SNDT College of Home Science, Pune. The event served as a platform for budding researchers to showcase their innovative projects and ideas. A total of 21 teams participated, representing institutions across Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Ahmednagar and the SNDT Women's University Pune campus. The competition highlighted the spirit of academic inquiry and fostered interdisciplinary collaboration among students from diverse fields. The event featured various research presentations and projects, evaluated by a panel of experts from academia and industry. Participants demonstrated exceptional creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, contributing to the success and intellectual rigor of the competition.

Prof. Virendra Nagarale inaugurated the AAVISHKAR competition as the Chief Guest, accompanied by the Guest of Honor, Principal Dr. Ganesh Chavan, during the inauguration program.


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