A workshop on “FSS Act 2006 and Regulations 2011-An Overview”
September 7, 2022
A workshop on “FSS Act 2006 and Regulations 2011- An Overview” was organized by SNDT College of Home Science, Pune and AFST (I), Pune chapter on September 7th, 2022 on the occasion of Nutrition month and AFST (I) foundation day. Prof. Sachin Deore, Principal, SNDT College of Home science, Pune welcomed the participants and also highlighted the vision and mission of SNDT Women’s University. Col. Pramod Dahitule, National Head- Agriculture MSME, Former Director FSSAI Kolkata, was the chief guest for the program. He inspired the student by sharing the importance of having a passion and belief in what they are pursuing in education. Mr. M.M Chitale, a renowned person in the field of food processing was the guest of honor. The program was attended by Dr. S.M. Naikare, former President of AFST(I) Pune Chapter, Mr. Pradeep Chordia, Director CFPL, Pune, Dr. Nerkar, Director Food Testing Laboratory, Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune, Mr. Vinay Oswal, Director NAFARI, Pune.
The speaker Mr. Amrendra Mahamuni, (Director Samarth Technologies, Pune. FoSTaC Trainer) in his session elaborated on the FSS Act 2006 and regulations 2011. He also emphasized on the difference in the roles of PFA and FSSAI. A lot of case studies were discussed by the speaker regarding the degree of adulteration seen in India and why the FSS becomes important to make the food safe for the consumers from the farm to fork.
The organizing committee included Ms. Anuja Kinikar, Head, Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Preeti Patankar, Assistant Professor and other staff of Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition. SNDT College of Home Science, Pune, Dr. Anjali Bhoite President AFST(I) Pune Chapter, Ms. Rupa Kanvinde Vice President AFST(I) Pune Chapter. The program was attended by 230 Students and Staff of SNDT College of Home Science, Pune; MIT ADT College, Loni; Modern College, Pune; Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune; Vidya Pratishsthan , Baramati; AFST(I) Members and Industry Members from Farm to Fork.