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College conducted a Career Guidance program in association with BNI (Business Networking India, Business Voices) to orient the students about Business and Job Opportunities having relevance to the specializations offered by SNDT College of Home Science, Pune on 17th March 2023. On Campus Recruitment drive was also arranged which received good response from the final year students and alumni as the skill based approach of the syllabi of Home Science prepares the students to face the professional set up. Principal Prof. Sachin Deore highlighted importance of conducting such programs to give exposure to the students regarding the professional world. BNI President Mr. Laxmikant Dharashivkar, Vice President Mr. Yoghesh Dhakne, Secretary Ar. Shradha Chavan, Mr. Ashish Joshi, Mr. Atul Joglekar, Mrs. Anandini Garg participated in the event. 


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