National Webinar- “ Paudho se Poshan” .
September 26, 2020
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhCLE6NGQG4
As a part of Nutrition Month Celebration, a National Webinar ‘Nutrition: Paudhon se Poshan’ was arranged by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition on 29th September 2020. Dr. K M Nagargoje, IAS (R), State Consultant, UNICEF, Maharashtra , Distinguished Guest, Dr. R.V. Bhavani, Director, MSSRF, Chennai, Chief Guest and Hon’ble Vice Chancellor SNDT Women’s University, Prof. Shashkala Wanjari Guest of Honour inaugurated the webinar and guided the participants.
Dr. V. S. Shirke Director, Extension Education, MCAER, Pune delivered his talk on ‘Efforts of Nutrition Security of Farmer Families of Maharashtra’ and Ms. Pratibha Thombare, Home Scientist, KVK, Kolhapur spoke on ‘Nutrition Garden for Urban and Rural Families’. Dr. Muktaja Vikas Mathkari, Principal, SNDT College of Home Science was the convener of the program
More than 125 participants attended the Webinar