Orientation lecture on Understanding Entrepreneurship
October 4, 2024
On 4th October 2024 an orientation lecture on ‘Understanding Entrepreneurship’ was conducted by ‘DeAsra’ for the students of SNDT College of Home Science.‘DeAsra is a foundation started by Dr.Anand Deshpande which helps easy running of small businesses. The platform simplifies the aspects of starting, managing and growing of the small business. The resource person Mrs. Manisha Tapaswi made the orientation feel so friendly yet so professional for our students. More than 200 students registered and attended the orientation. The Principal Dr. Vrushali Nagarale welcomed the guests and highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship. The orientation program helped the students to identify their sparks of being an entrepreneur and to identify their future’s path. The fun problems in business how to classify and overcome them with the basic human nature made the program engaging. The success stories of small businesses reaching heights surely made a positive impact on the students inspiring to be the entrepreneurs and job creators.