Pune Millets Mela
July 12, 2023
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt of India, in association with All India Food Processors Association, AFSTI Pune Chapter ,CASMB and SNDT College of Home Science Pune SNDTWU organized Pune Millets Mela on 12th July 2023 at the Janaki Devi Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, SNDT Women’s University Pune Campus.
The event was Inaugurated & addressed By Smt. Anita Praveen, Secretary, MoFPI GOI, Sh. Sunil Chavan, Agriculture Commissioner, GOMH, Dr. Raghav Jadli, President, AIFPA, & Sh. M.A. Tejani, Former President, AIFPA & M.D Gits Food Products.
Prof. Sachin Deore, Principal Addl. Charge welcomed the guests and briefed the audience about the SNDT Women’s University and also delivered the theme address.
Excellent Technical Sessions were delivered by experts from Regulatory Officer, Nutritionist, Technology and Processing Sector.
PMFME Schemes were highlighted through officials of State Nodal Agency, Maharashtra. As well as the beneficiaries of scheme shared their experiences.
Over 400 registration were received and 25 stalls exhibited products made from Millets. Students of SNDT College of Home Science Pune performed street plays for creating awareness about consumption and benefits of millets .
The students of SNDT College of Home Science also put up a stall and served millets based products.
The students efforts were highly appreciated by the visiting officials.