Sir Vithaldas Thackercy Punyatithi
August 12, 2023
Sir Vithaldas Thackercy Punyatithi was observed on 12th August 2023 on SNDT Women’s University Pune campus which was hosted by SNDT College of Home Science, Pune. Mr. Vijaykumar Bhavari, speaker of the program highlighted Sir Thackercy’s contribution towards SNDT WU. Dr. Vilas Nandvadekar, Registrar of SNDT WU, Mrs. Purnima Mehta, Chancellor’s nominee on SNDT WU Management council, Prof. Sheetal More in charge of Pune Campus, all the Heads of the departments, teaching and nonteaching staff from different department of Pune campus paid homage to the memory of Sir Vitthaldas Thackersey.