Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Commemoration Day
August 12, 2024
Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Commemoration Day was observed on 12th August 2024. Guest Speaker Dr Meena Aher, Principal Jai Ganesh Education College, shared her views on status of women and how educational opportunities helped in women empowerment.
Dr Meena Aher read excerpts from the play “Sthapana Mahila Vidyapithachi’ which is based on the Life of Sir Vithal Das Thackersey. Dr. Aher has written the script for the play.
Dr Vrushali Nagarale, Principal SNDT College of Home Science, Pune gave introduction of the program. Campus Co ordinator Prof. Sheetal More Madam guided the audience. Compering of the program was done by Dr. Lalieetaa Bbhagat. The program was attended by the heads of Institutions, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff.