Virtual National Conference: Rethinking Humanities: Harmonizing Humanities and Science
February 9, 2022
A Virtual National Conference was organized on 9th February, 2022. SNDT College of Home Science, Pune organized a Virtual National Conference on 9th February, 2022. The theme of the conference was “Rethinking Humanities: Harmonizing Humanities and Science”. Prof. Ujwala Chakradeo, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University was the Guest of Honour for the conference. Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Ami Upadhyay, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Gujarat. Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan (former Vice Chairman UGC, National Research Professor – Ayush Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences SPPU) was the speaker for the technical session. Dr Muktaja Vikas Mathkari, Principal, SNDT College of Home Science, Pune was the Convener of the Conference. Dr Sonali Rode, Joint Director Higher Education Mumbai Division, Mumbai gave the Valedictory speech.
Twenty four research papers were presented in the conference on a wide range of topics related to the theme of the Conference by participants from different states across India. A special Issue of Journal “Research Chronicler” (A Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal) was released virtually.